Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Matched (Matched, #1)

Matched by Ally Condie keeps calling my name.  I have seen it in the stores, on the Lone Star list, and many of my classmates have read it.  I am finally done with all my required reading at the moment.  I was heading out the door a couple days before my family for a 3 1/2 hour drive to Marble Falls for Thanksgiving.  I realized that I didn't have an audiobook checked out from the library.  I canNOT waste 3 1/2 hours in the car without an audiobook.  I realized that I could purchase an audiobook with my Kindle and plug it in through the iPod plug in my car to listen to it.  Yayy!!  I got Matched and can't wait to get back in the car to drive back to Marble Falls for Christmas so I can hear more!!  So far, so good.  I am enjoying it.  I am not allowing myself to listen for all the short jaunts across town.  I want to listen, uninterrupted!

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